Cancellation Terms
Terms and Conditions of {site_name} Account deletion
These terms and conditions apply to deletion of your {site_name} account and related matters.Please read thes terms carefully. It is recommended that you read and understand these terms before submitting an application for account deletion of your account. When you accepte these terms,it indicates that you agree to stop using {site_name}'s registered user services,and the"Terms And Conditions of Use" and “Privacy Policy”signed by {site_name} and you will be automatically terminated.{site_name} will delete or clean up your account and its attached personal data,records,account rights,etc.
1.The impact of account deletion on you
Your account deletion will start after your submission.The consequences of account deletion include but are not limited to the following,
a.We will stop collecting, storing and using your personal information and other data, unless otherwise stipulated by applicable laws and regulations, but if there are still unfulfilled orders in your account,we will continue to use related information or data to fulfill your orders until it is completed.
b.You cannot query your account profile, including but not limited to your account nickname, avatar, shopping history, favorites and shopping cart records, transaction history, etc., except for unfulfilled orders. It is recommended that you back up the information/data before applying to delete your account.
c.Once your account is deleted, its corresponding account rights such as coupons,points, and affiliate commissions will be deleted and cannot be used anymore.
d.After your account is deleted, it will not be re-registered.
You agree that the deletion of your account is your own and voluntary act, and {site_name} will not be liable for any loss/damage or any relevant legal responsibility caused by your agreement to delete account.
3.Other terms
These terms is an integral part of the "Terms And Conditions of Use",and it only applies to your deletion of your account. For other unmentioned matters, please refer to "Terms And Conditions of Use”.